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Upcoming Events
PTO Meeting: Tuesday, January 14 at 6:30pm in room B227.
Valentine's Day Classroom Party (K-4th grade only): Friday, Feb. 14. Volunteer link will go up at 7pm on Thursday, January 9th, 2025. **Now LIVE!
Sweetheart Dance (a.k.a. Daddy/Daughter dance) K-4th grade only: Saturday, February 15. Tickets will go on sale soon and a volunteer link is now live!
5th and 6th Grade Beach Bash (5th/6th grade only hence the name): Friday, March 14. Tickets will go on sale soon and a volunteer link will also go up soon.
Board Members
President: Phil Sayre
Vice-President: Ian O'Neill
Treasurer: Jes Sherman
Secretary: Charlotte O'Neill
Our Parent Teacher Organization (“PTO”) is one way parents and teachers participate in the life of the school. Every parent is a member of the school’s PTO. Parent volunteers can participate in fundraising efforts like the bookfair, snowflake shop, mum sale, bake sales, raffles, etc. There are many ways to get involved!